E-mail: zy.meng_at_fjut.edu.cn
孟振宇,哈尔滨工业大学计算机应用技术博士,计算机科学与数学学院教授、副院长,校学术委员会委员,人工智能研究所负责人,福建省引进高层次人才,教育部学位中心论文评审专家,厦门市“双百计划”领军创业型人才评审专家,福州市科技局评审专家,福建高校及学术桥职称晋升评审专家,IEEE/ACM 会员、CCF高级会员、CAA终身会员、CCF人工智能与模式识别等专委会委员、CAA粒计算及其应用等专委会委员,深圳市科技项目评选专家库成员,福州市科技成果转化专家库成员。近5年主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、福建省自然科学基金青年基金项目、深圳市创新基金项目、电子科技大学国自然面上项目外协项目及科研启动基金项目等8项;参与国家发展和改革委员会重大示范专项、国家863项目子项目、深圳市高层次人才项目等10项。累计发表第一作者或通讯作者SCI/EI论文50余篇,其中中科院一区SCI期刊论文36篇。2019年在Knowledge-Based Systems中发表的PaDE算法当年11月成为Web of Science的高被引论文,至今仍为高被引论文;2019年发表的HARD-DE算法被中科院一区期刊Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 副主编,波兰科学院研究员Prof. Adam Piotrowski,来信告知,推荐为解决空气水模型最佳算法,12种近年来先进算法中排名第一。推荐HARD-DE算法的论文发表在2021年6月地球科学大类学科的中科院一区期刊Journal of Hydrology中,论文参见:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022169421002663。
此外,我分别入选了2021年、2023、2024年美国斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队联合Elsevier发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 (World’s Top 2% Scientists) 的“年度科学影响力排行榜”,链接参见:https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/。获得第一发明人专利授权6项(发明专利5项+实用新型1项);国际发明奖银奖2项(日内瓦国际发明奖和纽伦堡国际发明奖)。多个WoS JCR一区期刊审稿人(如IEEE-TEVC, TKDE, TSMCA, TCYB, INS, KBS, SWEVO, ASOC, ESWA, EAAI, ISA Trans, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Scientific Report, IEEE Access及我国SCI期刊电子学报等)。
Google Scholar:
2004-2008 山东师范大学计算机科学与技术理学学士
2009-2011 哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术工学硕士
2013-2018 哈尔滨工业大学计算机应用技术工学博士
2012-2013 中国科学院广州先进所研究助理
2018-今 福建理工大学 教授
2020.1-2022.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目基于拟仿射变换的进化类优化方法研究 主持 No. 61906042
2021.11-2024.10 福建省自然科学基金 青年基金项目 基于QUATRE架构的单目标黑盒优化方法研究 主持No. 2021J05227
2021.09-2021.12 电子科技大学国自然面上外协项目数据的AI智能分析 主持GY-H-21198
2019.04-2023.03 校科研基金 科研启动项目 进化计算类优化算法研究 主持GY-Z19013
2017.04-2017.12 深圳市科创委 创新基金 基于QUATRE架构的全局优化算法及其应用研究 主持 GRCK20160826105935160
2012.01-2015.12 国家863项目 道路交通状态多感知与分布式交互处理技术(子课题:云实时导航系统) 参与 2012AA112310
2011.01-2015.12 国家发展和改革委员会重大示范专项——深圳市云计算公共服务平台 参与 国家发展和改革委员会高技[2011]2448
2012.11-2014.10 深圳市科创委 车载智能云终端系统 参与YFZZ20111016
Journal Papers:
[1] Ren, Chongle (硕士生), Zhenyu Meng*. A survey on expensive optimization problems using Differential Evolution. Applied Soft Computing (2025). In Press 中科院一区
[2] Xu, Qiutong (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Differential Evolution with multi-stage parameter adaptation and diversity enhancement mechanism for numerical optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 92 (2025): 101829 中科院一区
[3] Zhou, Wencan (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. An adaptive differential evolution with dynamic perturbation and dimensional bidirectional crossover mechanism for diversity enhancement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 141 (2025): 109750. 中科院一区
[4] Yu, Laiqi (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolution with multiple sampling mechanisms for high-dimensional expensive problems.Information Sciences 687 (2025): 121408. 中科院一区
[5] Song, Zhenghao (硕士生), Chongle Ren (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Parameter Identification of Photovoltaic Models using an Improved Differential Evolution with Selective Perturbation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2024). In Press中科院一区
[6] Li, Juncan (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Elite-guided Resampling and Multi-mutation based Differential Evolution with exponential crossover for numerical optimization. Expert Systems with Applications 258 (2024): 125159. 中科院一区
[7] Zhang, Quanbin (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. HAPI-DE: Differential evolution with hierarchical archive based mutation strategy and promising information. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 91 (2024): 101705. 中科院一区
[8] Yu, Laiqi (硕士生), Zhenyu Meng*, and Haibin Zhu. A Hierarchical Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolution With Core Space Localization.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (2024). Early Access中科院一区
[9] Ren, Chongle (硕士生), Zhenghao Song (硕士生), Zhenyu Meng*, and Jeng-Shyang Pan. Surrogate-assisted fully-informed particle swarm optimization for high-dimensional expensive optimization. Applied Soft Computing 167 (2024): 112464. 中科院一区
[10] Ren, Chongle (硕士生), Zhenghao Song (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Photovoltaic model parameters identification using diversity improvement-oriented differential evolution. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 90 (2024): 101689. 中科院一区
[11] Lin, Xin (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Surrogate-assisted evolutionary framework with an ensemble of teaching-learning and differential evolution for expensive optimization.Information Sciences 680 (2024): 121137. 中科院一区
[12] Wang, Xiang, Weikang Deng (硕士生), Zhenyu Meng*, and Dewang Chen. Hybrid-attention mechanism based heterogeneous graph representation learning. Expert Systems with Applications 250 (2024): 123963. 中科院一区
[13] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Xin Lin. ACD-DE: An adaptive cluster division Differential Evolution for mitigating population diversity deficiency.Information Sciences 679 (2024): 121091. 中科院一区
[14] Lin, Xin (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. An adaptative differential evolution with enhanced diversity and restart mechanism Expert Systems with Applications 249 (2024): 123634. 中科院一区
[15] Ren, Chongle (硕士生), Zhenghao Song (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Differential Evolution with fitness-difference based parameter control and hypervolume diversity indicator for numerical optimization. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133 (2024): 108081. 中科院一区
[16] Li, Juncan (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Global Opposition Learning and Diversity ENhancement based Differential Evolution with exponential crossover for numerical optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 87 (2024): 101577. 中科院一区
[17] Song, Zhenghao (硕士生), Chongle Ren (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. An adaptive differential evolution with opposition-learning based diversity enhancement. Expert Systems with Applications 243 (2024): 122942. 中科院一区
[18] Yu, Laiqi (硕士生), Chongle Ren (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. A Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolution with fitness-independent parameter adaptation for high-dimensional expensive optimization.Information Sciences 662 (2024): 120246. 中科院一区
[19] Song, Zhenghao (硕士生), Chongle Ren (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Differential Evolution with perturbation mechanism and covariance matrix based stagnation indicator for numerical optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 84 (2024): 101447. 中科院一区
[20] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Junyuan Zhang. QUATRE-EMS: QUATRE algorithm with novel adaptation of evolution matrix and selection operation for numerical optimization. Information Sciences 651 (2023): 119714. 中科院一区
[21] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Quanbin Zhang. HPDE: A dynamic hierarchical population based differential evolution with novel diversity metric. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 126 (2023): 106989. 中科院一区
[22] Zhang, Quanbin (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Adaptive differential evolution algorithm based on deeply-informed mutation strategy and restart mechanism. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 126 (2023): 107001. 中科院一区
[23] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Yuxin Chen. Differential Evolution with exponential crossover can be also competitive on numerical optimization. Applied Soft Computing 146 (2023): 110750. 中科院一区
[24] Song, Zhenghao (硕士生), and Zhenyu Meng*. Differential Evolution with wavelet basis function based parameter control and dimensional interchange for diversity enhancement. Applied Soft Computing 144(2023): 110492. 中科院一区
[25] Meng, Zhenyu*, Zhenghao Song, Xueying Shao, Junyuan Zhang, and Huarong Xu. FD-DE: Differential Evolution with fitness deviation based adaptation in parameter control. ISA Transactions 139(2023):272-290. 中科院一区
[26] Meng, Zhenyu*. Dimension improvements based adaptation of control parameters in Differential Evolution: A fitness-value-independent approach. Expert Systems with Applications 223 (2023): 119848. 中科院一区
[27] Meng, Zhenyu*, Cheng Yang Two-stage Differential Evolution with novel parameter control.Information Sciences 596 (2022): 321-342 (Paper/Code). 中科院一区
[28] Meng, Zhenyu*, Yuxin Zhong, Guojun Mao, Yan Liang, PSO-sono: A novel PSO variant for single-objective numerical optimization.Information Sciences 586 (2022): 176-191 (Paper/Code). 中科院一区
[29] Meng, Zhenyu*, Yuxin Zhong, Cheng Yang, CS-DE: Cooperative Strategy based Differential Evolution with Population Diversity Enhancement.Information Sciences 577 (2021):663-696 (Paper/Code).中科院一区
[30] Meng, Zhenyu*, Cheng Yang, Hip-DE: Historical population based mutation strategy in Differential Evolution with parameter adaptive mechanism. Information Sciences 562 (2021): 44-77 (Paper/Code).中科院一区
[31] Meng, Zhenyu*, Yuxin Chen, Xiaoqing Li, Cheng Yang and Yuxin Zhong, Enhancing QUasi-Affine TRansformation Evolution (QUATRE) with adaptation scheme on numerical optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems 197C (2020) 105908 : 1-25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2020.105908 (Paper/Code)中科院一区
[32] Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Kun-Kun Tseng. PaDE: An enhanced Differential Evolution algorithm with novel control parameter adaptation schemes for numerical optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems 168C (2019): 80-99 DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2019.01.006 (Paper/ Code)中科院一区ESI高被引
[33] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Jeng-Shyang Pan. QUasi-Affine TRansformation Evolution with External ARchive (QUATRE-EAR): an enhanced structure for differential evolution. Knowledge-Based Systems 155C (2018): 35-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2018.04.034 (Paper/ Code)中科院一区
[34] Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Lingping Kong. Parameters with adaptive learning mechanism (PALM) for the enhancement of differential evolution. Knowledge-Based Systems 141C (2018): 92-112. DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.11.015 (Paper/ Code)中科院一区
[35] Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Huarong Xu. QUasi-Affine TRansformation Evolutionary (QUATRE) algorithm: a cooperative swarm based algorithm for global optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems 109C (2016): 104-121. DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.06.029 (Paper/ Code)中科院一区
[36] Meng, Zhenyu*, and Jeng-Shyang Pan. Monkey king evolution: a new memetic evolutionary algorithm and its application in vehicle fuel consumption optimization. Knowledge-Based Systems 97C (2016): 144-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.01.009 (Paper/ Code)中科院一区
[37] Meng, Zhenyu*, Yuxin Chen, Xiaoqing Li and Fang Lin, PaDE-NPC: Parameter adaptive Differential Evolution with novel parameter control for single-objective optimization. IEEE Access 8 (2020): 139460 - 139478. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3012885(Paper/Code). WoS JCR 一区
[38] Meng, Zhenyu*, Yuxin Chen, and Xiaoqing Li. Enhancing Differential Evolution with Novel Parameter Control. IEEE Access 8 (2020): 51145-51167 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979738 (Paper/Code)WoS JCR 一区
[39] Meng, Zhenyu*, Cheng Yang, Xiaoqing Li, and Yuxin Chen. Di-DE: Depth information based Differential Evolution with adaptive parameter control for numerical optimization.IEEE Access 8 (2020): 40809-40827 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976845 (Paper/Code)WoS JCR 一区
[40] Meng, Zhenyu, and Jeng-Shyang Pan*. HARD-DE:Hierarchical ARchive based mutation strategy with Depth information of evolution for the enhancement of Differential Evolution on numerical optimization. IEEE ACCESS 7 (2019): 12832-12854 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2893292 (Paper/ Code) WoS JCR 一区
中科院一区期刊Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 副主编,波兰科学院研究员Prof. Adam Piotrowski来信告知该HARD-DE 算法为解决空气水模型最佳算法,相关论文发表在中科院一区期刊Journal of Hydrology中,论文参见:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022169421002663
Selected First-Author Tier 1 Conf. Papers:
Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, CS-DE: Differential Evolution with Cooperative Strategy for numerical optimization, 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2656-2663
Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Fang Lin,The QUATRE structure: An efficient approach to tackling the structure bias in Differential Evolution, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 3074-3079
Meng, Zhenyu*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, QUasi-Affine TRansformation Evolutionary (QUATRE) algorithm: the framework analysis for global optimization and application in hand gesture segmentation, 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 1832-1837
Meng, Zhenyu*, and Jeng-Shyang Pan. A competitive QUasi-Affine TRansformation Evolutionary (C-QUATRE) algorithm for global optimization,2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC),1644-1649 (Paper/ Code)
Meng, Zhenyu*, and Jeng-Shyang Pan. QUasi-affine TRansformation Evolutionary (QUATRE) algorithm: a parameter-reduced differential evolution algorithm for optimization problems,2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC),4082-4089(Paper/ Code)
1. ZL 2021 1 0013093.1 孟振宇、钟于心 基于改进PSO-TSNE特征选择的水下目标识别方法
2. ZL 2013 1 0284370.8 孟振宇、吴晓鸰、王慰、李建军一种基于免疫检测器的故障诊断方法及系统
3. ZL 2012 1 0491782.4 孟振宇、郑为民智能厨房烹饪教学机及其控制方法
4. ZL 2012 1 0101945.3 孟振宇、郑为民、闫立军、潘正祥、柏佳宁,黄锡鸿一种基于云的预警调度架构及其中的抢劫侦测方法
5. ZL 2012 2 0633349.5 孟振宇、郑为民一种智能烹饪教学机
6. ZL 2011 1 0189235.6 潘正祥、孟振宇、曾国坤、卢春林一种抢劫监控报警方法及系统
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